The world as it might be
Ninety nine years ago Australian painter and author, Norman Lindsay, accepted a bet that he could not write a children’s book and penned The Magic Pudding. Inspired by a government that kept printing money, despite a serious lack of any plan to underwrite the economy, he built the tale of some homeless animals surviving the depression by using a magic pudding that simply renewed itself whenever they ate it.
As with all political yarns there are two sides, one nasty, creepy and different, but both simply out to get the pudding for their own benefit. As the centenary of this charming tale approaches, the global economy teeters with governments and opposition parties in countries as diverse as the USA and Greece, lacking the political will to tell their constituents that the money has run out, having been given to the investment bankers by one means or another.
At least the Magic Pudding has the advantage of being cute and fun to read. Read the wikipedia entry.
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